CS 4670 – Project 1

Description: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\artifact.jpg

Originally, I had come up with many other ideas involving more of my suitemates and a picture I had taken in New York City. However, only one was left awake by the time I wanted to start photographing, so adjustments had to be made. Instead, I used an old idea of having one person interact with himself in the same room. To start, of course, took a picture of the room.

Description: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\IMG_20120912_022857.jpg


Afterwards, I took several photos of my test subject.

Description: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\IMG_20120912_022944.jpgDescription: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\IMG_20120912_023022.jpgDescription: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\IMG_20120912_023059 (1).jpg



For each photo, I used my intelligent scissors to generate a binary mask. This would be used later for cropping out my roommate out of each photo.

Description: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\herman1mask.jpgDescription: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\herman2mask.jpgDescription: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\herman3mask.jpg


Using GIMP, I opened up each original photo and cropped out my roommate using a method described in PIAZZA. I used the quickmask function and copied the mask over it. I then exited quickmask mode and copy and pasted the result into the room. Then, the necessary moving and rotations needed were done. The result was as follows:

Description: C:\Users\Kelvin Luu\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\cs4670\p1 architect\artifact.jpg